Hi! We’ve discussed this issue before. I decided to open a new discussion because now I have a little different case, but I want to refer other topics:
Hmm then this might be a code related problem. Could you provide a link to your zip file (or upload a version where the JS isnt minified) so we can take a closer look.
Hi! I want to lift this post up. This issue is very important for our launch. Could you please help us understand what cause the issue and on what side it happening?
Hey! Im sorry for the late reply.
I’ve checked our BE and your code and both seems ok.
My current suspicion is that because of the lage amount of images your code loads (and it averaging around 60MB), the generation fails (timeouts). The generations that failed, run ok locally so it shouldnt be a code problem.
I am testing another possible root issue, but im almost sure, the solution to this problem will be:
“Try to reduce the image sizes and the number required”.
A couple of ways of achieving this:
The black images can effectively be combined in such a way that 4 of them are contained in the same image by using the RGBA channels for each - even more if you get creative with values)
Add even smaller images that are used for the preview process. There is a flag “hl.context.previewMode” that tells you when we are generation a preview - this is more work but you want the preview generation to be as fast as possible
Instead of loading the “noise.png” (and also not loading it twice) try generating it. It might work better on GPU supported rendering.
You can also try skipping the whole image generation while in previewMode, and just rendering a color or text, and uploading that version, just to see if the problem indeed lies in that part of the code.
Ill report back after I finish this last (1-2) tests I want to try, but the above steps can be implemented anyway.
Ok so, my suspicion was confirmed. After trying a few things these are the conclusions:
Our BE is ok
Your code is ok
The issue seems to be performance. I manually rerun the generation for some failed tokens and they went through without a problem.
We then also changed the rendering to GPU on this one (The Muses - NFT Collection | Highlight) and batch minted 20 and they all succeeded.
My suggestion is:
reduce the number/size of the images needed to load - even if just for preview generation
maybe try the GPU rendering
generating noise instead of loading it (has mixed results - so try and see)
you might even skip noise in preview all together since it usually makes the image look weird when shown in a small size (in lists and grids for example)
Thanks a lot for this deep investigation. I can’t reduce the number of images, but I’ll try to reduce the image size and will remove noise for previews. You’re really helped, thanks!