It’s possible to change metadata or update metadata for series collection?
This is the collection
Due to some happening i’ve created some extra 1/1 piece and would love to know if it’s possible to change the metadata or update it on some point to insert new things out with animation
Gotcha, we’re unable to support updating unminted tokens’ metadatas at this time. What I’d do is wait until the tokens are minted, and then update the metadata onchain. If there are only a few tokens you’re updating, I would use the function 27 (setTokenURIs) in the “write as proxy” tab on the Zero explorer: ZERϴ Block Explorer
One way to generate the token uri is to deploy a dummy edition with the metadata you want on Highlight, then taking the tokenURI from it.
If you’re updating a lot more tokens, you’d want to update the base uri directly on the contract.
It works just deployed some in sepolia and the important thing is the URI is uploaded in arweave and i can just insert everything buy using it very cool